Home work for 17 April 2009
Let's analyze Indonesia's potential in export-import by making an essay in at least 250 words.
The essay must include:
- The meaning of export and import by including some examples from economic activities.
- Explanation for the reason (benefit) of export-import to Indonesia.
- Kinds of Indonesia's product in export-import.
- The progress of Indonesia's export-import in 2008.
- The strength of Indonesia's export-import.
- The challenge that Indonesia's export-import will face in the future
- Actually the six points above are questions. So, anwer them one by one in some sentences for each point.
- Make each point become one paragraph. Meaning, you now have 6 paragraphs.
- Add a paragraph in the beginning to open your essay stating the purpose or the overview of your essay. Now you have 7 paragraphs.
- To make your essay nice and well organized, you must use connective words and additional sentences to bridge one paragraph to another paragraph.